Photographing Your Collection

Why it's important to provide clear photos of your collection

It is enormously helpful to have good quality, clear photos of your wines/spirits when making a valuation. We strive to provide a fair and accurate valuation of your collection quickly and with minimal effort on your part. Unfortunately sometimes bottles arrive at our warehouse in a worse condition than we expected because the photos were not clear enough. This can lead to a reduction in the price we can offer as well as delays in the process of selling your collection. For this reason we ask that you take your time to provide clear photos of your collection following the guidelines below.

Photography Guidelines

Include the whole bottle

Make sure you provide at least one photo with the whole bottle in frame and in focus. This helps us to see the condition of the label and capsule.

frontal view of a wine bottle

Ensure the bottle is well lit

Blurry and poorly lit photos can make it difficult to provide accurate valuations.

frontal view of a wine bottle

Highlight any condition issues

Condition issues can significantly affect valuations so it's important to highlight these early to avoid disappointment.

frontal view of a wine bottle

Make sure the bottle is stood up and on a flat surface

For older bottles especially it's important to show the level of the bottle.

frontal view of a wine bottle

For spirits: Please include the box if available

Spirits can be worth more when accompanied by original packaging so please include this in your photos if you still have it.

frontal view of a wine bottle